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The Best Ideas for National Nanny Recognition Week that Your Nanny Will Love

September 19-25 is National Nanny Recognition Week, which is a time to show appreciation for the hard work, patience, and dedication of our in-home caregivers. As always, simple, thoughtful gestures can go a long way to making your nanny feel valued for the job that they do.

The Funny Nanny provides an overview of what NNRW means for nannies and why it is important for families to recognize their caregivers during this time.

Here are some other ideas to make this week special or any time you want your nanny to know that they are treasured by your family.

Entertainment tickets

Many theatres, concert halls, sports venues, and performance centers are now hosting shows and games for the first time since the pandemic started many months ago. Give tickets to an event for their favorite sports team or band or a gift certificate to a venue. You could include cash or a gift card to a restaurant to make it a night out on the town. We can all use one of those, right?

Health benefits

If we did not know it already, the pandemic has made us realize the importance of health benefits and being able to get the help we need when we need it the most. Unfortunately, medical coverage is not a standard benefit in the household employment industry and many nannies struggle to find adequate health care. However, a pre-tax health reimbursement account like a QSEHRA or Virtual Medicine are affordable ways to provide nannies the coverage they need. GTM Payroll Services can help you set up a QSEHRA and tie it to your payroll account to make it easy for you and your nanny.

Paid time off

Now more than ever, mental health is as important as our physical well-being. Offer some extra paid time off for your nanny to de-stress and rejuvenate. Caring for children is already hard work and then add the complexities of the pandemic like social distancing, concern for loved ones, and spending less time out of the home. With that extra time off, treat your nanny with a gift card to a local spa. That extra-special indulgence and pampering will help your nanny come back to work refreshed.

Personalized gifts

Your children can make a craft, draw, or paint a picture, or whatever else their imaginative minds create. Older kids could sing a song, play a piece of music on their instrument, or recite an original poem dedicated to their nanny. Homemade gifts are often more meaningful than a store-bought present. Fresh flowers can accompany a child-made gift. You could also put together a gift basket around something they love (movies, cooking, music, favorite hobby, etc.).

Another thought is to make a dish they love and invite them (and their partner if it makes sense) to stay for dinner. If your children are old enough, they can help with the preparation.

Or make a donation to their favorite nonprofit organization or a cause close to their heart.

Association membership

We mention this every year for National Nanny Recognition Week and for good reason. The International Nanny Association and US Nanny Association provide valuable information, education, and guidance for nannies. The knowledge they gain will help them become more a more skilled and confident caregiver.

Subscription to Nanny Magazine

This is another valuable benefit for nannies we think would make a great gift. Nanny Magazine is the premier trade publication in the industry. Each issue is filled with industry news and insights, trusted tips, and expert content just for nannies.

Cash and/or gift cards

Showing appreciation can be as easy as giving your nanny an extra day of pay (or more). Who wouldn’t like a little extra spending money? If money seems too impersonal, then a gift card to their favorite store, restaurant, or online shop is a great way to show that your nanny is valued by your family.

Reported with permission from GTM (

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