Hiring the right professional nanny for your child is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a parent. It requires trust and research, so you’re assured the person you hire is vetted and qualified. This work is time consuming, and there is great value in working with a reputable and experienced nanny agency to make sure every important detail is seen to.
Agencies perform all the vetting of candidates before they place them in front of potential employers. The agency conducts background checks, confirms the employment history on a resume is accurate, checks references, and ensures all work documents and certifications are up to date. Doing this work ahead of time saves potential employers the hassle of doing this legwork themselves, and an experienced eye can spot irregularities.
If you have never been a household employer before, you may not know what some of the industry standards are, or what other details go into hiring a nanny. An experienced agency understands the inner workings of household employment. They will help you prepare for your new role as an employer and educate you on what you need to know, offering advice and knowledge about the market, labor laws, and how to structure work agreements. They also help answer questions about taxes and ensuring employees are paid legally.
Saved Time
A great nanny agency will build a relationship with you, getting to know what your specific expectations are for the nanny. This allows them to match you expertly and efficiently with potential candidates. This saves significant time that you would have spent interviewing nannies who aren’t a good fit for your position.
Not sure where to begin your search? There are wonderful agencies that match nanny candidates with families around the country. Great agencies usually belong to professional organizations.
Reported with a permission from Home Work Solutions (www.info.homeworksolutions.com/blog)